Chinese Bible, "Chinese Union Version" published in 1919. On the right half we see from the other side of a leaf, so left-right side reversed. Chinese translations of the Bible preceded those of Japanese Bible, and therefore the former had a great influence on the latter. Particularly many of the names of books of the Bible are even identical, see the left hand side of the photo, and translation of the terms for deity(ies) is adopted as it stands in Chinese Bible, too. Generally speaking, both Chinese and Japanese use the same characters for much of the vocabulary. I would like to point out there has been no room for German Bible to influence Japanese Bible as some lds circle rumors. I did years of research on this matter and plan to publish elsewhere.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Monday, September 09, 2013
A picture, taken around 1970, of an LDS group in Amagasaki, Japan

A picture, taken around 1970, of an LDS group in Amagasaki, Japan, originally uploaded by njflickrspace.
The man far left in front is an LDS translator from Hong Kong. I am the third from right in front; beside me is my wife and daughter. I was the first branch president of this small LDS congregation in Amagasaki, Hyogo, Japan. The picture was taken on 2nd floor of a building near Tsukaguchi station of Hankyu railway which we rented. Look at those smiling faces and the atmosphere they reflect! Very lively and we may assume they are enjoying the religion, Mormonism.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Aquapia, a small park near my house
This is a small park affixed to "Aquapia," a little reference library of animals and plants in Takatsuki, Osaka, Japan. I volunteer to take weeds out a few times a week. It is my favorite place to take a walk.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Chinese Bible
I am now doing some research work on the Bible translations in China. It is a very interesting theme to me. Hopefully I plan to complete it before the end of the year and publish it as a digital book (paper).
Friday, February 08, 2013
Kodomo-no Shiro, "Children's Castle"
I will give a talk on my book, "How should Mormonism be viewed? A Third View" at Kodomo-no Shiro, Tokyo, on Feb. 16, 13:00-15:00. Mis Machiko Takayama will also talk at the occastion. Anyone is welcome!
Monday, January 14, 2013
Jesus in Gethsemane
This is my favorite drawing of Jesus in Gethsemane as I saw it when I was a boy in my parents' house in Nishinomiya, Japan. It was embroidered on a cloth base. More magnificent, solemn, and impressive than those produced later by other artists. Very unfortunate that I could not show this picture to my lds Sunday School class today in Takatsuki, Osaka.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Jiro Numano, "How should Mormonism be viewed? A Third Viewpoint."

Jiro Numano, "How should Mormonism be viewed? A Third Viewpoint.", originally uploaded by njflickrspace.
It is a compilation of my lifework viz., how I see my own religion, Mormonism. Currently my stance is of an objective but understanding researcher/observer. The book includes LDS history in Japan and problems they face. It is written in Japanese.