Monday, June 21, 2010

Some Haikus in English Translation

Here are some of the best ‘haikus’ I received last Autumn in the Japanese Course of Chinese Faculty at Star College in Harbin, China. Enjoy the world-shortest verses which express the writers’ mind and the changing environment in which he or she lives.

Spring is here: almost everyone is out taking a walk.
--- Jia Haonan

Ever cherished but short-lived is our youthfulness.
--- Guo Tian-yi

Among friends the principles of trust should abound.
--- Chu Yuhang

Reflected up-side-down upon the surface of the lake is your face.
--- Ning Yue

Right at this moment, I long to be with you, my beloved!
--- Wang Yuting

Translation is done to transfer the meaning, rather than the form (number of syllables).  (Translation is by Jiro Numano, the teacher)

1 comment:

Gabriel Camilato said...

Access is blessed